Business meetings or negotiations that take place in a cafe or restaurant are quite popular. A more informal atmosphere helps to get closer in business matters, but for this the meeting must be organized properly, for example like in a
The main idea of negotiations during a business lunch is a harmonious combination of business and pleasure. If you are going to hold a business lunch, you should find a middle ground so as not to get too carried away with food, which can absorb all the business tasks of negotiations and you should not, having invited partners to a restaurant, let them go hungry.

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There are three main areas of business lunches
- The first, the most popular among those working in modern offices, is the weekday lunch break, when colleagues go to the nearest cafe or restaurant in order to have a bite to eat and relax a bit. This is called a daily business lunch.
- The second option also involves rest and switching from a business environment to business relaxation. For example, when you have long business negotiations that take a whole working day, or even several days. In this case, the lunch break becomes a continuation of communication with business partners, but work issues are no longer raised or discussed during meals.
- And the third, the most stressful and difficult in terms of organization, is when your meeting with business partners will take place exclusively in a restaurant, where, as it were, you need to sort out all the main points of business cooperation, combining a casual tone of friendly conversation with efficiency.

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What is important
The perception of personality at business lunches is through the prism of the company you represent, through the prism of your corporate culture. It is much more important for you and your colleagues to be united in opinions concerning the business issues of your company, as well as in general human norms of behavior, than the virtuoso use of cutlery. This is especially important if you are the initiator of the meeting, then your company and you personally are responsible for the atmosphere and, as a result, for the results of the business lunch.
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