An analysis of the chemical composition of coffee beans will clarify the situation with its effect on blood sugar. The main element of coffee, which provides vivacity, stimulates the nervous system, is the alkaloid caffeine.
Other biologically active substances include theophylline and theobromine, the latter and gives a bitter taste to the drink. Trigonelline is responsible for the smell and also affects the taste.
It also contains astringents, pectins, macronutrients (calcium, potassium, phosphorus), carbohydrates, glycosides.
Components that can increase blood sugar are carbohydrates, as well as the calorie content of the drink. So, in 100g of natural coffee, its indicators are 29.5g and 331Kcal, respectively. Given that 1-2 teaspoons are used when brewing, this cannot significantly affect glycemic indicators.
To finally verify this, you need to control sugar before and after its use with a glucometer and stick to Type2Diet.

Image by Nataliya Vaitkevich from Pexels
Is a diet helpful?
Diet in diabetes mellitus is one of the methods for controlling the course of the disease in order to prevent the development of acute and chronic complications. The key task of therapeutic measures is to normalize the metabolic processes in the body, optimizing the level of sugar in the blood to the maximum permissible value. The key to the patient’s well-being is adherence to a diet with a limited amount of carbohydrates and well-chosen drug therapy. Often due to mistakes in the diet, violations of the regimen of taking drugs, dehydration and excessive physical activity, against the background of hepatic, renal, heart failure, patients may experience ketoacidosis, hypoglycemia, hyperosmolar or lactic acid coma. Such states develop extremely quickly from 2 h. up to 2 weeks and carry a potential threat to human life, therefore they serve as a signal for immediate hospitalization.

Image by Nataliya Vaitkevich from Pexels
Diet types in diabetes mellitus
Insulin injections, hypoglycemic drugs and physical activity play an important role in achieving positive dynamics in the treatment of the disease. However, according to some doctors, a proper diet plays a fundamental role. Given the fact that 80% of diabetic patients are overweight, which has a negative impact on well-being and the course of the disease, the leading nutritionists of the 20th century faced a difficult task – to create an effective, safe nutrition program for systematic elimination of excess weight and improvement of glycemic control, since from – for metabolic disorders, it is strictly forbidden to practice popular weight loss methods for insulin-dependent patients.
Image by Artem Podrez from Pexels